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Your VIP Experience at Greenitaly 2025

The Greenitaly Buyers Program, organized in cooperation with ITA – Italian Trade Agency, offers a unique business experience in the Italian horticultural sector to selected international professionals.

The Program aims to become a reference point by offering the opportunity to meet the best Italian producers and discover the value of Made in Italy through innovation, tradition and connection with the territory. More than 300 Top Buyers, including 150 international professionals, attended Greenitaly in 2023.

Greenitaly Buyers Program Team promotes the meeting with the key players of the Italian horticultural sector both inside and outside the trade show: events, networking activities, and visits to sites that express the excellence of the sector and their bond with the territory and the Italian tradition.


A dynamic laboratory that addresses the hot topics of the Italian green supply chain, with the aim of promoting “Green Italy” in both the domestic and international markets. This is the core of Greenitaly, the global professional exhibition of floriculture, green, and landscape. Strategically scheduled at the beginning of autumn in Padua (Veneto Region), Greenitaly is a significant point of contact between the world of flower, plant, seed, and substrate production and its key international stakeholders: among them, distributors (garden centers, DIY, wholesalers), professionals involved in the care, maintenance, and design of green spaces, large real estate groups, and – last but not least – public bodies.

The Greenitaly Buyers Program is the result of the fruitful collaboration between Fiere di Parma and ITA – Italian Trade Agency. We cooperate in several activities that represent the key point of the Program, such as scouting and selection, invitation, logistics and welcoming of international participants. Our joint efforts aim to provide selected international professionals with a unique experience in the Italian green sector.

About the organizers

Fiere di Parma boasts considerable experience in organizing B2B events, focused on enhancing Italian products and best practices from the Bel Paese in European and global markets. Fiere di Parma’s portfolio includes several trade shows revolving around food, food tech, arts and antiques, and, since 2022, also greenery and landscape, thanks to the acquisition of Greenitaly, the key event at all levels for the Italian green sector.

The Italian Trade Agency (ITA) is a governmental entity whose purpose is to promote the internationalization of the Italian companies, the attraction of foreign investment in Italy and to assert the excellence of Made in Italy in the world, in line with the strategies of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in consultation with the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy and Ministry of Economy and Finance.

A customized visit for the industry experts

GREEN ITALY Buyers Program Team aims to offer services and activities tailored to the needs of the international professionals, easing their visit and maximizing the results!

Travel & accommodation advantages

A team of professionals in charge of arranging the expected services always available through a help line

Buyer Pass

Free access to the trade show, the Buyers’ Lounge and reserved activities

Buyers' Lounge

A reserved area with dedicated services and refreshments

Business Agenda

A digital tool to schedule in advance meetings with the exhibitors of your choice and create customized paths of visit

Networking events

Exclusive events to boost networking connections between Italian companies and international buyers

Guided visits of the trade show

Thematic itineraries to optimize the visit according to specific interests

Technical visits

Visits on the territory to discover the Italian excellence and tradition in the horticultural sector

Who can attend?

You qualify if you are the key referent in charge of purchasing the horticultural products / technologies in the following types of business


Greenitaly 2025 Buyers Program Application Form

Do you wish to join the Greenitaly 2025 Buyers Program?

Step by Step Candidature Process


GREEN ITALY Team will evaluate each application before confirming the participation to the Program.

Key Information

The evaluation considers some key information such as: company profile and type of business, products of interest, number of participants from the same company and other information.


In case of approval, the GREEN ITALY Team will get in touch with you to provide additional details regarding the benefits offered and the next steps to organize your visit at GREEN ITALY.

Business Agenda

Participants in the Program can rely on the Business Agenda online tool to schedule in advance meetings with the exhibitors and arrange the visit in the best possible way.

Una collettiva che racconta la tradizione del verde francese attraverso l’esperienza e le soluzioni creative che rendono i floricoltori e i vivaisti transalpini un riferimento per tantissimi operatori del mercato italiano ed europeo. L’area deve il suo nome al più famoso brano in lingua francese di Lucio Battisti.

Nella cornice settembrina di  GREEN ITALY, Les jardins de Septembre intende rinsaldare il fortissimo legame culturale e commerciale che lega da secoli a filo doppio l’Italia e la Francia. Iniziativa sviluppata in collaborazione con partner fieristici internazionali.

Business Agenda Advantages

  • Ensure the meetings with the exhibitors of your choice
  • Plan your business schedule in advance;
  • Create your customized path avoiding any waste of time;
  • More time to discover new suppliers and products once you have finished your pre-scheduled appointments.

Discover our Top Buyers impressions

Discover our Top Buyers impressions

“I was astonished by the diversity and high quality of green products from plant nurseries offered in Italy.”


“It was an excellent opportunity to meet with different practitioners in the Green and Landscape business. It opens opportunities for global trade, collaboration and technology transfer amongst participants. I would highly recommend it to fellow business people.”


“An interesting exhibition with many new products.”


Greenitaly Buyers Program Team

We are a special department of Fiere di Parma and our mission is to let the best Italian companies meet qualified buyers and decision-makers in the green sector. To do so we take care of foreign professionals by facilitating their visit and offering them a unique business experience

Our mission is to let the Made in Italy excellences meet the rest of the world and we would like to present Greenitaly to the international business community as the key event of the Italian horticultural sector, attended by the most important companies and associations of the industry.

Thanks to our know-how in arranging hospitality programs for our leading exhibitions in the sector of food, food technology, and antiques, our selected buyers will take part in a journey that represents a business opportunity as well as an unforgettable experience.

Feel free to get in touch with us for any further information!

Greenitaly Buyers Program Team
T. +39 0521 996 806